Tuesday 15 January 2013

God use me.

 Lord, I look up at You today asking for the privilege of being able to seek out, what may seem to be impossible in my human flesh, just as some of my Bible heroes like Abraham and David did. I rejoice this morning that You have so much to reveal to me -- so much, that if I were to receive it all at once, I would simply run and hide -- and You know it.

As I stand on my watchtower today and look out at all You have made -- and recognize much of what You are doing, I am humbled. I realize that even at this very moment You are stretching and growing me -- challenging me to look ahead and not to be afraid. You are literally shouting at me, trying to get my attention as You transform my life into a reality that is almost incomprehensible to me -- yet more real than my own breathing.

As I stand above the turmoil below, I am able to recognize that all around me there are walls built up preventing people from attaining their true freedom. They are locked behind these walls for a wide variety of reasons, and You are showing me that You want to set them truly free. I join You in prayer seeking their release, and I ask You to begin the process of tearing down the walls of bondage that have them firmly stuck.

You desire to heal their bodies and to heal their inner wounds, and You desire to set them free on the path You have provided -- which will lead them out of the valley of bondage and begin their march up the mountain to the top, where they will be given the vision they need to complete their own mission on earth.

I used to think, Lord, that You only used great visionaries like Billy Graham, Joan of Arc, David, and even my own Pastor to accomplish great things. But as I stand here at the top of my own watchtower, I realize You can and do use even someone like me -- if I am willing to be used, and if I am willing to lay down my own fears and trust You. You reminded me just now that this is how these great people got to the destination You chose for them -- they listened and they allowed You to share Your vision without running and hiding.

I know now that You are going to walk ahead of all of us through whatever Satan throws our way. You will encounter all that is set against us as You lead the way, and You will not allow us to be defeated. You are reminding me that if You can raise the dead, heal the sick, You can rip wide open any wall formed against us and our families. You desire to lead us up the mountain heading toward heaven and the very real Presence of our Heavenly Father.

You started this procession of Your saints over 2000 years ago. You are reminding us that much lies ahead, and much remains for us to do -- but all of it is intended to help us personally reach for the stars and to walk where no Christian has walked before. 

You are flaming the passion of my heart as I stand in this place with You -- and I am having a hard time just standing here, as every part of me wants to run toward the goal You have set for me. I know I am to remain in place until Your timing is upon me, and I willingly accept this, knowing what lies ahead will be beyond my wildest imaginings -- and that every step of the way You will be my guide. Thank You, Jesus!

Friday 14 December 2012

It's all about Love and Kindness

Once Christmas has come and gone, and the tinsel has finally been vacuumed from the floor, many people experience a sinking case of the holiday blues. With all the excitement in the past, the daily grind seems rather humdrum. What if there were a way to change that? What if there were a way to make this Christmas the most meaningful celebration you’ve ever had, even after it’s all said and done? What if there were a way to plant some of the sweetest memories of Christmas cheer that would flourish for a lifetime?

                          Merry Christmas everyone. :D

Saturday 1 December 2012

The annoying drums

This guy goes on vacation to a tropical island. As soon as he gets off the plane, he hears drums. He thinks "Wow, this is cool." He goes to the beach, he hears the drums, he eats lunch, he hears drums, he goes to a luau, he hears drums. He tries to go to sleep, yet he hears drums.

This goes on for several nights, and gets to the point where the guy can't sleep at night because of the drums. Finally, he goes down to the front desk.

When he gets there, he asks the manager, "Hey! What's with these drums. Don't they ever stop? I can't get any sleep."

The manager says, "No! Drums must never stop. It's very bad if drums stop."


"When drums stop...bass solo begins."

Monday 12 November 2012

Συμφωνώντας με χωρίς διχόνοια

Which Means ......... Agreeing to Disagree without Disunity
This is one blog series I wish were completely unnecessary. I wish conflict among Christians were a relatively insignificant problem. I wish we who believe in Jesus could experience the unity he commended to us (John 17:20-24). I wish there wasn’t animosity within churches and denominations.

But all of this is, I admit, wishful thinking. The fact is that Christians often have a hard time getting along with each other. This has been true from the earliest days of the church. The Apostle Paul, who planted the church in Corinth, wrote what we call 1 Corinthians to the believers there principally because of internal conflict in the church. By the time Paul wrote 2 Corinthians, the tension was largely between Paul and his church.
Even in a healthy church, such as the one in Philippi, conflict was a problem. Thus Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians: “I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you also, my loyal companion, help these women, for they have struggled beside me in the work of the gospel, together with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, whose names are in the book of life” (Phil 4:2-3). Two prominent women in the Philippian congregation, people who had been Paul’s co-workers in ministry, were stuck in some sort of conflict such that they needed help from Paul and others to try and get along.And The most important thing is.conflict may lead to DISUNITY.!

I have seen this with my own eyes, even on Sundays, AND This was not what Jesus intended, to be sure. In his so-called “High Priestly Prayer” recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed:
“I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:20-23)
A little earlier, Jesus had said to his disciples: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). To be sure, there are times when followers of Jesus do love each other in an exemplary way. But, far too often, such love is marred by conflict, tension, and outright meanness. And, far too often, we have not dealt with these problems in a loving way.
So, today I begin a blog series that seeks God’s guidance for Christians in conflict. This series will be relevant, I believe, to one-on-one relationships and to denominational disagreements. I will seek to discover and apply God’s revealed wisdom to conflict among Christians. My hope is that when we experience conflict in the church, we will be prepared to deal with it in a way that honors God and strengthens Christian community. My desire is actually to write a book about this matter but just I need xtra time.

 IN A NUTSHELL, Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:17-18. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Questions Answered.

Just a word of Thank You..!! 
Jesuuuuuusssssss.... I LOVE YOUUUUU... <3

Saturday 29 September 2012

My SisTa..

The world is filled with inspirational people. Sometimes we do not need to look any further than within our own circle of family and friends. At other times, we are inspired by those we know only in name.

Was there an event, person, place, book, art piece,anything-- that inspired you or changed you in a positive way? If it was a person was it someone you knew? Did they ever know how they had helped you change, feel, act, think about yourself or the world in a different way?

Kay... the above statement or question... is actually about a lady and a man of God who inspires me alot..!!

                                                             CARENE KRISHNAN..!

  There is one day when one aunty came to me and called "carene,carene aa..., i want to tell you something..." And  I did'nt turn to her and said " ermm..carene is up there ..she busy preparing for worship... Then the aunty insisted by calling again..." no I want to talk to you la carene....." Then when I turned at her,,she got surprised..haha...she said,," aiyo you both ah...look the same from behind la...same height,,same hair,,same baju...! I was like same baju??

Pastor James 

This essay i wrote during my finals for form 4!! I found it yesterday so i decided to make it simple and  post it!!

Throughout my life, since I was 9 years old Carene has always been a major influence. It has the power to change my mood when I'm feeling down, but the thing I find most intriguing about Carene is that it doesn't always end up improving your mood: like all forms of art,she imitates life, which is not always portrayed in a positive light. The musicians that I admire most have the versatility to induce several different emotional responses in the same piece. This quality is present in most of the wide variety of music I listen to, (hillosng and others)... She shares many secrets tooo.. haha.. (still secrets) =D
Carene has brought me up to be more active in church... Then now I started serving serving not only in CPK but also in the worship team... She often tell me that her family is same as her family...I dont know why.. she has also had  guide me the meaningof leadership ans Music...So let's see...!!
 Music is far more than the sum of its parts. It can be thought of in a highly mathematical sense, which leaves one in awe of the seemingly endless combinations of rhythm, tone and intervals that a good musician can produce. Admiring music in this way is a lot like admiring an intricate snowflake, or shapes in the clouds; it's beautiful, but at the same time very scientific, based on patterns. All of the aforementioned qualities of music have one thing in common: they can be defined with numeric, specific values. However, the greatest aspect of music lies elsewhere, and can not be specifically defined with words. It is the reaction that each individual has when they are confronted with their favorite (or least favorite) kind of music.
There aren't many words to describe the emotional reaction I get when I hear certain songs, even those that don't have the "complicatedness" of some of the more skillful artists. Music can be viewed from many different perspectives. When I think of music, I take all of these points of view into account. My goal, simply put, is to hone my craft in every aspect, to the very furthest of my ability.


Friday 31 August 2012

                   5 Important Keys

As I was sitting and revising my Physics subject yesterday, suddenly a thought appear in my mind about 
"critisicm". Then I was so curious about that and started asking myself  " Apa Macam"? ... " Why must criticism happen ?" and "how to handle criticism" and  "why must people get offended when it comes to criticism?" and blah...blah...blah...!     


Then I asked my Mum for an answer but ended up a a wonderful "lecture about critism" And this is the result..!! She share about about "DEVELOPE A PLAN TO BETTER HANDLE YOUR NEXT CRITIQUE :)

    1. Stay calm.

Criticism hurts. When someone verbally lashes out at you, it feels as if you are under
 attack. Your breathing speed up, your heart beats faster, and your muscles begin
 to tight as your body prepares to fight back. Rather than allow these emotions
 to escalate, regain control. Do not respond immediately but rather take a 10 second
 pause to take one deep breath to exhale all feeling of insult out. Staying calm puts
 you in the best position for successfully maneuvering through criticism.

 2. Accept that no one is perfect.

It would be great if we were always right and always had the best way of doing
 everything. Even you and I sometimes miss the mark. It’s ok to not be right all
 the time. Give yourself permission to have an off day. No one is perfect.
Sometimes criticism is justified. Listen to what the criticizing party has to say,
and then objectively evaluate its validity. You don’t have to agree with them,
 just be open enough to accept that we are all perfectly imperfect.

 3. Know your own self-worth.

Having someone voice that you did not do something right leaves a taste of failure
 on all of our tongues. It’s very easy to move from criticism to self-doubt. Avoid
the desire to apply this criticism of your work to your personal worth. Know your
 value as an individual. Do not allow criticism to define your self-worth, but rather
 focus on your personal strengths and attributes. You are a unique individual and
 sometimes uniqueness is criticized because it is uncharted territory. Your new and
 creative way of accomplishing a task may have been met with criticism initially only
 to become a future success as others grasp your vision.

 4. Focus on what you can gain from the experience

Criticism can be beneficial. Whether or not you agree with their assessment, hearing
 their opinion can give you insight on areas that may benefit from some tweaking.
 Use the criticism as a way to evaluate the pros and cons of a situation. Focus on
 what you can learn from the encounter and use it to your benefit.

 5. Thank the person giving the criticism.

This is the most difficult part . Yes you heard me right, thank them. Occasionally
criticism will come from someone who is being malicious, but more often it’s from
 those who actually see your potential and want to bring out the best you have to
 offer. Thank them for taking an interest in your personal growth and development.
 Despitetheir intentions, you will ultimately benefit from the experience by becoming
 more secure in your ability to handle criticism with poise.


 She told me few "LAWS" too...but cant remember.. =D

So in conclusion...

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong

 to Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18